Monday, April 26, 2010


For Beau's first vacation, we went to Moab with Kameron's family to see the car show and hike to Delicate Arch. It was such a fun, good time. Beau got to experience so many new wonderful things. He went on his first hike, swam for the first time and even got a mini sunburn on his cheeky! (That is sad, but it is still a first!) We stayed in these beautiful condos that Kam's Grandpa Dick got for us. Thank you so much! The Hike to Delicate Arch was Beautiful. The wind was a little rough on Beau, but he was a trooper and fell completely asleep on the way back down. The car show was fun, tons of cool cars and all of the guys ate their world famous turkey legs. We rode around in Grandpa Dick's Roadster. That thing is dang fast, and so much fun to ride in. On the way home, we stopped at Deadhorse National Park. It reminded me of the Grand Canyon. It was amazingly beautiful. It was a great short vacation, and I wish we could have stayed longer!