Friday, February 18, 2011

Life as we know it

Has been so wonderful! We have been extremely busy. SOooo sorry for the lack of posting!!
 We took Beau on his first sledding trip. He was in Heaven and had so much fun. :) Daddy had a blast too!
 Beau has grown into such a big helper. He was holding all of the tools when Kam was building this hutch.
 Bath time is Beau's FAVORITE time of day. We normally bathe 2 times a day because he loves to play.
 We love to spell words and play with all of the tubby toys. Beau has also learned to splash..... GRAND!!
 Beau's Marmy (my mom) bought him this chair. He uses it as his jungle gym. It makes me a tad bit nervous!
 He jumps off of it, falls off of it and then climbs right back on it. :) He is a little dare devil!!!!
 I love this little man. He is such a HAM! He laughs constantly, occasionally screams :) and gives lots of love!
Beau will be 14 months at the end of this month. He is our whole world and we can't get enough of him!
He has learned many tricks. He loves to blow kisses, give actual kisses, dances like nobody is watching, does a head stand, waves bye bye, knows where every part of the face is and loves the belly! :)
His favortie words are Mommy, Daddy, Nanny and BaBa.
I love to watch him grow and learn new things everyday! It is so so amazing to see how quickly he absorbs information. :) Wow!!!!
Love you all!!!