Thursday, December 31, 2009


Beau Luke Savage :) Born December 29, 2009 2:11 a.m. 9.6lbs 22 inches long! After 28 hours of long labor, our little bundle of joy finally joined our family. The birth story is a little lengthy, but I will try to sum it up for you all. It all started Sunday night.. I went to bed at 10 and about a half hour later I started getting some intense contractions that woke me up and they made it so I could not fall back to sleep. I felt a little bit of excitement, but did not want to get my hopes up. Kameron and I decided to start timing them for fun just to see how regular they were. They began about 10 minutes apart and shortly turned into intense contractions every five minutes! I checked into the hospital about 2:30 am Monday morning where they checked my progression. I was still only at a 2 so, after wating an hour at the hospital, they gave me a shot of morphine and sent me home:( Well, the morphine did not help AT ALL! I could't get any sleep and I just waited a few more hours until a felt like I could go back to the hospital. Our second trip at the hospital was not any better than the first. I seriously walked the halls of the hospital for an hour straight and stopped at every corner in agony with a contraction.. ugh it was awful! Yet again, I was sent home with pain medication.
Finally at about 5:00 p.m, there was absolutley no way I could handle it anymore. So off to the hospital for the third and final time we went. This time I was dialated to a 5+ and the admitted me! YAHOO! After getting settled into my delivery room I was able to get an epidural right away. I never knew that I could love something so much the included needles and my spine!... but oh boy! I couldn't have asked for anything more. It was such a relief to not be in pain anymore. I was able to relax for the first time in hours and enjoyed spending time with my family.

I progressed quickly and before I knew it, it was time to push! After pushing for a while, something not so great happened. My epidural decided to wear off in my right hip. Can I say INTENSE? Oh my goodness, I have never felt something so painful. It made me so nauseaus and I had to throw up. They had to come back in a give me a second epidural. When the second one kicked in, I was ready to push once again. I could not wait to meet our little guy! I was so worn out, I needed a little help in the end. Beau had to be vacuumed out. It was emotionally hard for both Kameron and I but we knew that it was best for Beau.

It was finallly over! Our baby boy was here! And he was HUGE! None of us had any idea that he would be that big. It was by far the best moment of my life. I felt so accomplished and proud of myself. Kameron was the best coach and comforter ever. I could not have made it through without him by my side. I loved seeing him look at Beau for the first time. I will never forget the instant overwhelming feeling of love for Beau and the increasing love, that I didn't know I could possibly have for Kameron. I would go through what I did a 100 times for Beau.

We are all doing well and we are excited to start our new life together as a family of 3! What a great number :) We are grateful for all of the support and love that we have felt from all of our amazing Family and Friends. Thank you all so much for coming to visit us and for all of the great gifts. It is so appreciated! Happy New Year to everyone!! 2009 was a great year for the Savage Fam and 2010 will be even better!
P.S We are still in the hospital right now with Beau. He is having a few little problems. We are expecting him to get better very soon and then we will be able to take him home :) I promise I will let you all know when we are finally home and getting all settled. Love you!


  1. SO happy for you Janz! He is a doll and you are going to be a fabulous mom. He is a lucky little boy!

  2. Congratulations!! I am so happy for you and your family. Keep us posted on Beau and how he is doing. Hopefully he is home, healthy and happy. The nice thing with having a big baby is they sleep through the night sooner than smaller babies. My boys weighed 9 lbs and slept through the night at 2 weeks. You will love that part of a big baby. Can't wait to see more pictures so, get well so you can start posting them. love, your favorite cousin

  3. What a sweet baby boy! He is so cute.

  4. Congratulations! He is so cute! Hope you are having fun being new parents:)
