Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cancun Ya'll!

We had the most amazing Thanksgiving ever in Cancun. Picture overload! It was warm.. but quite humid. That is why all of our hair is looking like we just walked out of a professional beauty salon. and we didn't wear any makeup! :) We stayed at the most beautiful resort. The Westin Villas. We lounged at the beach and pool. Visited and climed the most amazing Mayan Ruins; Chitzen' Itza, Ecbulom, Coba and Tilum. Spelling is for sure wrong on the second one. These were, without a doubt, the most amazing part of the trip. We can't describe it in words. We went on a mormon tour of the ruins and the spirit was so strong. We spent a day at a fun place named Xplor. We swam through an underground river and did a zip line. For thanksgiving we ate a Crab house and it was a great subsitute for a turkey dinner... but not quite as good! We missed that this year! All in all we had a fabulous thanksgiving we Thank everyone who made it possible and such an enjoyable time for us! We love you!

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