Monday, May 9, 2011

A wonderful weekend :]

Kameron and I have been officially married for 3 whole years. Can you believe it?? May 7th was the special day. :)  

 Our day was fabulous. We started off the day with a win for Kam's football team. Then we went to lunch and did a little shopping for Mother's day. That afternoon, we went and saw The Conspirator. We both really enjoyed it. After, we headed up to the gateway to do some more shopping before our dinner at the Melting Pot. Dinner was unbelievable! It is one of our favorite places to eat. It was nice to have a day to ourselves and to celebrate our LOVE. 3 YEARS AND GOING STRONG!

My Mother's Day was very special. Church was great. Kameron took Beau so I could enjoy relief society and it was very nice. We went to lunch with my mom who I just love and adore. I am one blessed girl to have such an amazing, selfless, and righteous example in my life. I thank her for playing a HUGE role in who I am today. I also feel doubley blessed to have an outstanding Mother-in-law. I am in awe of the  special man that Kameron is and have Cecily to thank for that. Lastly, I am proud to be a mom. I have the best son and I feel honored to be his mom. It was a great weekend! Happy Monday to you all!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on three years! Time sure flies by! We are only one year beyond you... on May 9th! That picture of you and your mom is so cute! And Beau what a stinking cutie he is! He's looking more and more like a young boy not so much a baby! Hope you guys are doing great!
