Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Magic Moment!

What a great day today has been! Kameron and I set off to run some errands and we drove to South Towne Mall. I asked what we were doing and he said it was a surprise. So I was excited but didn't think anything of it. We walked around that corner and there it was! The Fetal Studio. I was in shock and he said..WELL DONT YOU WANT TO FIND OUT WHAT IT IS?! I was so excited all I could do was laugh and say "You are such a stinker!" Finding out the gender was not as easy as I thought it would be. Especially when the baby is choosing to be stubborn. When we first took a peek at the baby it looked like this....
It was in the fetal position so tight. It's head was all the way down to its knees and it was not budging. It would tease us and lift it's head up and then go right back into that position. The doctor said go walk around and get some sugar. Lets give the baby a sugar rush so it will start to move! So off we went on mission get the baby to move! :) Kameron went and bought me a Lemonade from hot dog on a stick and a started to chug that thing. After talking to the baby and begging it to move we headed back to the doctor. When we returned.. this is what we saw!

It is a baby boy!!! He decided to oped his little legs for us so we could see. Kameron and I were so excited. I had happy tears in my eyes and Kameron looked like a little kid on Christmas morning! The baby has such the cutest personality already. After he showed us his little pee pee, he kept covering his face with his hands like he was embarrassed after he revealed himself to us :) It was such a special moment and I will never forget the feeling that I felt. This little boy is so loved and we are trying so hard to be patient as we await his arrival.

This is his first modeling picture. You can see that he is facing us and his little hand us under his chin. You can see his belly, legs and his boy part :) Today was the first time Kameron was able to see him move and that made me so happy he could see it. The baby was waving it's arms and being so stinkin cute! I wish all of you could have shared this moment with us. I tried to describe it the best I could! Love you so much! Beau Luke Savage will be here soon!


  1. Hey Janz...its Jamie (Hendricks) Smith... I just wanted to say congrats on your little one and how fun it will be to have a little boy...he looks super cute already!!! I hope your pregnancy is going well... I haven't seen you in a really long time but it looks like you are happy and doing well...Tell your family Hi for me!!!

    Have a great day

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. CONGRATS!!! that is super exciting ... just thought i would post and give you our blog too..

  4. hey kameron and janzyn that is so cool you are having a baby boy!!! i love your wording like he was so embaresed he was covering his eyes!

  5. Yea, Congratulations!!! We are so happy for you two:)
