Friday, July 10, 2009

Yo everyone! Here's an update!

Howdy partners!
I know I haven't written forever so here are a few updates about my pregnancy! I am just over 3 months now and time is flying by... well sorta! I am still struggling with a little bit of sickness but always keeping a smile on my face. Except at about 9 o' clock at night Kameron has decided to give me the name Cruela Devil because I really do turn into her. I am so irritable and I just want to sleep. He is so cute with me though. Every time I get up during the night he wakes up and asks me if he can do anything for me and he'll rub my back even though he is half asleep. What a great Husband. :) I had my second doctor's appointment this week and the baby is growing and developing great. The size of the baby is still on track with my due date which is Kam's birhtday so that is great!The Doctor even let me have anohter sneak peak of the baby even though it wasn't apart of the regular check up. I was able to see it move and I would poke my belly and I could see where my finger was pushing on the ultra sound. I am so excited for this baby to come and I can't wait until I can feel it move. That will be some sweet stuff! All in all I am doing well I am finally getting used to all of the icky feelings and I don't think they will be letting up any time soon but lets keep our fingers crossed shall we?! :)


  1. Janz- congratulations!!! I just found your blog! Hope everything else is going well!

  2. I can't believe you guys have been married for a year!! and now a baby!! CONGRATS!!!! Sorry you haven't had the best pregnancy but it will be worth it in the end!! xoxo
